I am currently recruiting potential collaborators at various levels, including:

  1. Honours Thesis Students: I am currently planning on taking one potential honours thesis student for 2025-2026. I’m looking for students whose interests overlap substantially with my research interests. Applications to the honours thesis are generally in May, but I encourage interested students to speak with me in January-April to help settle on a potential topic.

  2. MA and PhD Students: I am currently recruiting MA or PhD students to start in September 2025 through the Department of Political Studies. I encourage you to speak with me about our program by booking a Zoom appointment with me, but I’m also happy to handle questions over email. Our application deadline is Janaury 22, 2025. You can find more information on our Departmental website.

  3. Postdoctoral Fellows: I am happy to speak with students interested in applying for SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships in September 2025. Queen’s also has two postdoctoral fellowships specifically tied to Canadian politics/democracy: the Skelton-Clark and Buchanan Postdoctoral Fellowships. I am always happy to speak with potential postdoctoral applicants for either the Skelton-Clark or Buchanan Postdoctoral Fellowships.

I am generally happy to supervise students and postdocs interested in…

  • LGBTQ2S+ politics

  • Political parties, candidates, and elections

  • The electoral representation of marginalized groups (BIPOC, women, LGBTQ2S+ people, the working class, people with disabilities/disabled people, etc.)

  • Voting behaviour and public opinion

  • Gender and sexuality

I’m primarily familiar with Canada and the United States as cases.

Here are some of the areas where I am doing ongoing research and would be particularly happy to support students with research opportunities:

  • Candidate nominations in Canadian federal/provincial politics

  • Women’s and LGBTQ2S+ candidates and representation in Canadian politics

  • Voting behaviour of LGBTQ2S+ people

  • Public opinion on LGBTQ2S+ rights